
As a non-profit foundation, we continue to need help in financing the distribution and DVD of Rosenwald and in producing educational documentaries.

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The Ciesla Foundation
5005 Linnean Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008
United States of America

Our films would not be possible without the support of our wonderful contributors. We would like to thank the very generous people whose contributions helped us produce Rosenwald!


Reva and David Logan Foundation

Royal Street Corporation, in memory of Edgar and Polly Stern

Elizabeth and Michael Varet, The Middle Road Foundation

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Lohengrin Foundation

Righteous Persons Foundation

Ford Foundation


Alice Rosenwald

Chicago Community Trust

The Sarowitz Family Fund

The Baltimore Family Foundation of the Bank of American Charitable Gift Fund

Horncrest Foundation

Stern Family Fund

Ira and Marcia Wagner

Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Rebecca and Arthur Samberg

Josh Pokempner and Gretchen Gardner

Jules Bernstein and Linda Lipsett

Foundation for Jewish Culture’s Lynn and Jules Kroll Fund for Jewish Documentary Film

Abramson Family Foundation

Richard H. Driehaus Foundation

Woodbury Fund

Samuel Rubin Foundation

D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities

Louie and Ralph Dweck Family Foundation

Rena and Michael Gordon

In memory of Dr. Cecile Insdorf

Ametek Foundation, Inc.

Atran Foundation

Blum-Kovler Fund

Marcella Brenner Revocable Trust

Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Family Foundation

Sandra and Arnold Chase Family Foundation

Rhoda and David Chase Foundation

The Cohn Family Philanthropic Fund

Crosscurrents Foundation


Richard and Lois England Foundation

The Everett Foundation

Irving Harris Foundation

Karma Foundation

Robert and Arlene Kogod

William S & Ina Levine Foundation

Genevieve McMillan-Reba Stewart Foundation

Ottinger Foundation

Rita Poretsky Memorial Fund

Bernard and Carole Rabinowitz Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Naughton

Deborah and Michael Salzberg

The Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation

George Wasserman Family Foundation

Union for Reform Judaism

In Honor of Leslie Cohn Magy by Her Kids

In memory of Marcella Brenner, grantor of the Morris Louis Art Trust

In memory of Julius Rosenwald, Edith Stern, Audrey Stern Hess

Nancy and Harold Zirkin

Stephanie and David Deutsch

Josh Levin and Debra Fried Levin

Chris Stern Hyman

Maryland Humanities Council


The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation

Amy and Andy Bluhm

Katherine and David Bradley

Carol and Hank Goldberg

Aaron and Cecile Goldman Family Foundation

Sonia Herson

Douglas Jemal

Maryland Humanities Council

In honor of Gertrude and Irvin Miller

Newt and Jo Minow

National Trust for Historic Preservation

Jacquelyn and Daniel Serwer

Humanities Council of Washington DC

Lori M. Kaplan

Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund

Donald and Isabel Stewart

Julius’ great-granddaughter, Eve

Joan and Robert Feitler

For David Gerson

Ruth and David Levine

Valerie and Robert Mallet


Alan and Bonnie Hammerschlag

Henry and Anne S. Reich Family Foundation

The Weitzman Foundation

Judith Barnett

Edith and Michael Gelfand

Jonathan Kempner/Lise Van Susteren

Helen B. Stern

Peggy Parsons

In Honor of: Aviva’s magnificent contribution to making this world a better place

Annette Polan

Carolyn Alper Revocable Trust

Sharon and Gar Alperovitz

The Barrington Foundation

Mandell L. Berman

Toni and Dwight Bush

Laura Katz Cutler

David C. Driskell

Dweck Family Foundation

Carole L. Feld

Albert Goldstein

Debbie and Joseph Goldyne

The Horner Family Foundation

Paul Isaac

Donna Katzin

Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation, Inc.

Daniel Levin

The Murray Levin Family

Jeffrey C. Levy

Linda R. Levy

Philip G. Levy

Ernest and Madalyn Marcus

Stewart R. Mott Foundation

In memory of Rev. Dr. Michael C. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos

Sarah Pokempner

Julia K. Rosenwald

Alan Roth and Michael Rodgers

Cathy Sulzberger and Joe Perpich

Texas Jewish Historical Society

Marta I. Tanenhaus

The Vradenburg Foundation

The Liliane Willens Gift Fund

Michael Rice

Michael Moser

Dr. Eva Fogelman

Meryl Silverman and Mark Carlin

Betty-Chia Karro and Henry P. Gassner

Dr. Charlene Drew Jarvis

Nadine Cohodas

Matthew and Lena Frumin

The Margaret S. & Philip D. Block, Jr. Family Foundation

Laura Faino

In memory of Sam and Lillie Fogelman

Larry and Bonnie Frazier

Marianne Ginsburg

Sallie and Alan Gratch

Jack Guthman and Sandra P. Guthman

Tamara Handelsman

Sylvia Horwitz and Dov Weitman

Karen Kalish, Estelle W. and Karen S. Kalish Foundation of the Greater St. Louis Community Foundation

Albert J. Kallis

Karen Lash and Martha Ertman

In memory of Harry Kohn, Jr.

Rachel Kronowitz and Mark Lewis

Lon Levin

Edward N. and Dalya Luttwak

Miriam Morsel Nathan and Harvey Nathan

Marcy Oppenheimer and Joe Neale

Sharon Pratt

Henry and Anne Reich Family Foundation, Inc.

Ilene and Steve Rosenthal

Michael and Elizabeth Ross

Clyde Shorey

The Slovin Foundation

Southern Jewish Historical Society

Lisa and Thomas Stern

Andrea F. Tomasetti

A.C. Warden

Diane Abelman Wattenberg

Ruth Wattenberg and David Kusnet


Martha Ertman

Vicky L. Guindi and Esther de Cassab

Linda Feldman

Carl Grunfeld

Janet Leno Revocable Trust

In memory of N.H.Burton and Lucy Harden Bulls

Jerry and Jayme Epstein

Tifereth Israel Congregation

Robert Horn

Jerome Dancis

Elliot Andalman and Martha Bergmark

In honor of Ruth Howard Beckham

Elizabeth Mayer Buchanek

George H. Krick, M.D.

Phyllis Feld

Alan Kanner

Kit Gage & Steven Metalitz

Steven R. Koltai

Lorelie S. Masters

Barbara Hickman McAllister

Richard P. Pollock

Bette Cerf Hill and Bruce Sagan

Schwab Charitable

Susan H. Shapiro

Roberta and Howard Siegel

Alan B. Slifka

Michael Levy and Bonny Wolf

Marian and Peter Edelman

Ora Lee Bailey and Mary Helen Evans of Higson Rosenwald School Aberdeen MS

Ralph B. and Gwendolyn H. Everett

Susan and Dixon Butler

Judy and David Falk

Lynda Mulhauser



Richard Camitta

Mary Cheh

Joy and Herb Epstein

Drs. Sandra Read and Hugh Hill

Stephen Labaton

Maryann Miller

Elizabeth A. Newberry

Susan Senk

Lauren and Fred K. Sternburg

Bernice Steinhardt

Rachel Hecht

Stanley and Judith Hallett

Marvin and Mary Cooper

In Memory of Mildred Kogod and Burton S. Sternburg

Henry H. Brooks

Udi Shorr and Ora Gourarie

Wayne and Stephanie Firestone

Joy Midman

Barry M. Nemon

The Olender Foundation

Susan Willens

Margot Meyers and Bruce Sklarew

G Aimee Ergas

Sheila Therese Starkey Hahn

Maxine and Daniel Singer

Bob and Jinny Stern

Aaron and Charlotte Kramer

Catherine Wyler Fund

Gordon L. Weil

In Memory of Frankie Pelzman

George Overhiser

Morgan Stanley Employee

Phyllis Lerner

In Memory of Margaret Rosenwald and Ernest Rosenwald


Dona Teplitz

Randi Levinas

Cecily Abram

Asandra Abramson

Peggy Engel and Bruce Adams



Michael Bogdanow

Jean R. Bower

Eve Byford-Peterson

Joel Danies

Gail Dratch and David Michaels

Ann Garfinkle

Sheila Gershen

Annie Groer

Susan Himmelfarb

Lester S. Hyman

Marvin T. Jones & Associates

Paula Kaplan

Danny and Lori Kaufman Family

In memory of Samuel Klein by Judie Fien-Helfman

Lydia Kleiner

Michael Leiderman

Susan Linn and Clifford Craine

Vivian Loseth

Manasota ASALH, Inc.

Sonya A. Michel

Rosemary Reed Miller

Dr. DeMaurice Moses

Elizabeth Maury, Ph.D.

Brianne Nadaeu

Ruth and Harris Pitlick

Aron and Karen Primack

Elizabeth Rose and Richard Jerome

Richard and Mary Pat Roth

Adam Rosenberg

In Memory of Nancy Salazar

Abe Schear

Lisbeth B. Schorr

In Honor of Ralph Siegel

Jana Singer

Norman Shore

Trudy Vincent and Rick Shapiro

Mrs. Elise Smith

Steve Sumberg

Gloria Thrasher

Kenneth Trombly

Rick and Mary Beth West

Rosann Wisman & Michael Lilek

Donation made in memory of Dr. I. James Weitzner, who supported learning at every age, for everyone.

Roz Timberg, in memory of Buddy Timberg

Leslie Byford

Michal Ann Goldman

Mary Sibrack

Katharine Sreedhar

Vivien Clair

Melanca Clark

Nadine Epstein

Nancy Fishman

In Memory of Michael Glassman

Alma Paty

Arlene J. Pearlman

Anthony Sarmiento

In memory of Vera and Morris Schweber

Judith and Earle Silber

Susan Sterett


Marilyn Stern


Katherine Washington

Marcy Jacobs

Bennett P. Melnick and Diane S. Melnick

Michael and Linda Zoller

Margaret Bandy

John Dinges

Creative Influence, Inc

Marc Lee Raphael and Linda Raphael

In honor of Miss Eddy

In memory of Herman Taube

Sheryl Webber Washington

Elizabeth Williams

Philip and Hope Borish

Harley Felstein

Leah and Neil Israel

Heidi Kanter

Adina Kole

Bernice Ohringer

Frances Rothfeld Trust

Victoria and George Schor

Barbara and Edward Shafer

Phyllis and Benjamin Burka, Denise Burka Iskow

Maria Haugaard

Shohaku I. Higashi

Marjorie P. James

Barbara Koch

Geraldine Pollen

Fay Wolf

Barry E. Wolfe

Abraham Aamidor

Sara Katsh

Daijiro U Yamashita

The Willing & O’Donnell Charitable Giving Fund

Kitty Kelley

Rosalyn Doggett

Lynn Shapiro

Lance Kramer

Rosalyn Doggett

Meyer & Deanne Sharlin

Dorota Anderson

Judith Gustafson

Judith Bartnoff

Udi Shorr

Mrs. Mary Rose Gasner

Bernard Demczuk

Jill Ruskin

Karen Holtzman

Cecily J. Abram Family Trust

Annette & Mark Insdorf

Alison Richards & Ron Dreben

Rena Gordon – Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

David Kusnet

Herbert & Wilda Lewis

Robert A. Adelson

Edith Gelfand

Annette Polan

Charlene Jarvis

Esther Hudes

Glenn Marcus

James Sedlis

Joel Cohn

Marta Tanenhaus

Tor Shwayder

Gayle Aimee Ergas

Ernestine Miller

Dorota Anderson

Charol Shuster – Polakoff Family Foundation(Bernstein Philanthropic Impact Fund)